Planning on hosting your very own backyard wedding? That's becoming more and more popular as COVID restrictions seem never-ending.
Here are a few tips to help you plan the BEST backyard wedding. If this list feels overwhelming, reach out and we would be happy to help!

It's easy to get caught up in the pretty details of planning a wedding. Don't get me wrong, we need the pretty too, but in the case of a backyard wedding, practical outweighs pretty! Be sure that you check for the following items, PRIOR to securing a space for the wedding.
Lit, even level, and trimmed paths (suitable for heels and elderly) that are both to and from parking, bathrooms, catering area, etc. Think about what you are bringing in and out. Do you have guests in wheelchairs? Strollers? Weigh out every option.
Rain plan for ceremony. Can it be put in the tent? Will you need to hire someone to move the reception tables? Where will the guests be going during that transition period. If space permits have the ceremony in a secondary tent!
Chairs for both ceremony & reception. No one is moving these chairs back and forth through the guests in a seamless manner.
Trees trimmed for shuttles. I picture a long winding road to the paradise wedding of your dreams... but what if the shuttle doesn't fit?
Gate wide enough for shuttles. Also, don't lock the gate after the guests are in, the shuttle is likely returning for a 1 am pick up!
Insurance and permits. We can help guide you with this as well.
Place where shuttles can idle that is not in the way and is legal. Imagine if the shuttle needed to wait somewhere to let the guests in or out... Now imagine a safer option. Don't let your guests out on a highway or make them walk a long distance on a gravel road.
Power/generators/plenty of outlets and power cords that blend with décor but do not create safety hazards. Music, food and decor/lighting use a lot more power than you think.
Catering tent (you don't want the caterers in the same tent as you), access to power and make sure they have a bathroom with handwashing available.
Dishes, Flatware, Glassware (if the caterer doesn't provide it)
Portable Bars (make sure if you are building one that it is practical and cohesive for the bartenders)
Tables (make a list of every table you will need because it is not just guest tables)
Lawn care (make sure this is done a day in advance
Even ground for under the dance floor
Dance floor
Ample parking
Clear signage
Road conditions in case of rain
Restroom/comfort stations
Pest control: Mosquitos, ants, snakes, rodents
Trash/ Recycling
Temperature control: fans, heaters- after all, we live in Winnipeg
Tent installation needs and lighting for when it gets dark (you likely won't need to do this if it is on your own property, but you may need to rent the tent for a bit longer than you think)
Someone to oversee set up & tear down (we also offer this option as well)

There are so many unique aspects that go into the planning of a tent or backyard wedding. Be sure to use this checklist to help you along the way!
Happy Planning
- Tricia xoxo