Are you looking for ways incorporate personal, unique and fun aspects into your wedding? You've come to the right place! Keep reading to find our top 10 ways to add a personal touch to your wedding!

Do you have a pet that you would love to "include" on your wedding day? A way you can include your furry friends is by naming a signature cocktail after them!

Another way to make your wedding feel more like you as a couple is to create a menu that is uniquely you based on items you enjoy or that you like to serve at home! You could add your favourite foods as a part of your main meal or for your late night snack!

Where are all the dessert lovers at? This one is for you! Instead of a traditional wedding cake have your go to sweet treat! Cookies, brownies, pie, donuts, ice cream... the options are endless!

Are you known as an avid coffee drinker? tea drinker? or even hot chocolate drinker? Why not include a coffee/tea/hot chocolate bar at your wedding?!

Maybe you aren't much of a foodie but you love memories... especially when you have the photos to go along with them. Having photos of you and your partner traveling, at your favourite restaurant, chilling at home or with your best friends can be a fun way for your guests to get a better look at what you love to do together as a couple!

Favours are a great opportunity to add in a personal touch! Are plants your thing? You could give each guest a little plant to take home. Or maybe a small candle with your favourite scent... the ideas are endless with this one!

This one is for all of the sport fans out there! You could include the colours of your favorite sports team in a tasteful way in your wedding decor.

Are you all about fashion? A cute personal touch can be a personalized jean jacket or leather jacket that says "Bride", your new last name or a sweet saying!

Sick of the traditional clinking of the glass kissing games? Are you wanting something more personal to you? We love the idea of choosing a charity that you hold near to your heart and having your guests donate to the charity of your choice. With every donation given you and your partner kiss!

Last but not least a neon sign with your new last name! This can make for a cute backdrop behind your sweetheart table, above your cake table or even a part of your photo booth!