Wondering what to include in your wedding invitations and save the dates? Don't worry, you aren't alone! This is your full guide to all things wedding invitations and save the dates!

First let's start with save the dates. Save the dates are cards that let your guests know the wedding is coming. This is especially helpful if the wedding takes place out of town, or on a long weekend. Many guests confuse a save the date with an invitation, so here are a few inspirational photos and items to include.
Here are a few things to include:
Your Names (First & Last)
The Wedding Date
The Wedding Location (City if a venue hasn't been selected yet)
A link to your wedding website (if applicable)
A note saying "formal invitation to follow" so your guests aren't confused as to how to RSVP, or why there is no timing stated on the save the date.
Save the dates should be sent out 6-12 months prior to the wedding.

Now for the wedding invitations. The wedding invitation will set the tone for the wedding day. Be sure to use similar colours that you will be using on the wedding day to keep everything cohesive. The photographer will likely take photos of the invitation on the wedding day as well so order one extra for yourselves!
Remember that you are only ordering one per household, not one per guest.
Here are a few things to purchase/keep in mind:
The Envelope (You will put a stamp on here, your return address and the guests address)
On the Invitation:
Include the hosts (parents names if they are contributing to the wedding)
Your names (First & Last)
The wedding date and location
Ceremony and reception time (or ceremony time with reception to follow)
A details card (accommodation information including the hotel group booking code)
Map (especially if it's on private property or difficult to find)
RSVP card and addressed stamped envelope (this is the second stamp you are purchasing for each guest for the invitations). Be sure to include how many seats are reserved for the household and ask for their meal selection, allergies or dietary restrictions. The RSVP deadline should be 3-4 weeks prior to the wedding day.
Your wedding invitations should be sent out 4 months prior to the wedding.

Addressing your wedding invitations can be a tricky task too. Here are a few popular questions we get asked and this is what we recommend when it comes to addressing your invitations.
What is the etiquette for addressing a whole family? two parents, 3 children for example. Do I need to write everyone's names?
You can address it to "The Smith Family"- this means that there are more seats reserved than just saying "Mr & Mrs Smith". If you have the ability to allow them to RSVP 5 times with the one email address online, this will show them that they are all invited and that there are kids meals available to them.
What is the etiquette for addressing a widow? Mrs/Ms?
Mrs is always what we recommend, because she is still retaining her married name.
If we are giving certain individuals a +1, do we write "Name & Guest" on the envelope?
Yes, it would say "Mr Smith & Guest". Then allow this person to RSVP for two seats onli

Photo Credit: Casey Nolin Photography Mandy Wright Photography