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You are married! Now what?

Writer's picture: Tricia BachewichTricia Bachewich

Planning your wedding is super time consuming. Nearly every conversation that you have with a friend or family member will involve something wedding related. Your days off of work may be filled with wedding related tasks or vendor meetings.  Your inbox may be flooded with RSVP's or vendor emails. But once the wedding is over, what do you do with all of your free time? How do you beat the post wedding blues?

Take a Minute First off, relax. You may still be running on adrenaline. Take time to open your cards and really read what every guest wrote. Read through your guest book. Take time to really take in the wedding day, appreciate your guests/vendors and spend time with your new husband/wife.

Review You may think that the wedding is over and there is no need to contact your vendors anymore, nope! Spend a bit of time to give your vendors a review. It may mean that you are sending out a few emails with some compliments, feedback or appreciation. The best ways to review your vendors are on FacebookWedding Wire or Google.

Apply Your marriage commissioner will mail in the marriage license. It is your responsibility to complete and mail in an application for a marriage document. Depending on the time of the year and which service you choose (regular or rush) you should receive your license back in the mail between 4-12 weeks after submitting it. If you do not complete this application, you will not receive anything in the mail following the wedding from Vital Statistics. Once you receive your proof of marriage, it's time to start changing your name. Take the paperwork to all of the following places to make the updates: - Autopac - Financial Institution: bank, investments, loans, credit cards - Passport  (Be aware that if you change your name on your passport after marriage to go on a honeymoon, and your maiden name is on the travel documents, you may not be able to travel. Always ensure the name you book a trip under, is the name you will be using when you travel. ) - Service Canada - Revenue Canada Agency (GST benefits, child tax benefits) - Land Titles - Health Insurance (medical card, private insurance provider) - Employer - Landlord - Update Social Media/ Voicemail - Utilities (Hydro, Water, Phone Provider) - Membership Cards - Aboriginal Affairs - TIPPS program - Permanent Resident Card - Life Insurance Provider - Update your Legal Will - Your children's school/daycare - Loyalty Programs

Thank you Cards When you receive your photos back from your photographer, it's immediately time to order thank you cards. Send these out as soon as possible and be sure to include thank you cards for all of your vendors. There is something so personal and special about receiving a hand written thank you card. Please note that if you are including any vendor gifts or gratuities, don't send cash/gift cards in the mail.

De-Clutter You have likely accumulated a ton of stuff from the wedding. Filter through what is important to you, and get rid of what you don't need. Quite a few of my couples put together a wedding keepsake box that includes the engraved champagne flutes, the guest book, the presentation cards, etc...

Live a Little Now that your disposable income has been freed up, do something you want to do. Take a weekend trip, plan your honeymoon, do a renovation, start a family, sleep in on the weekends. Whatever floats your boat, do it. 

Happy Planning! - Tricia xoxo


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